Friday, January 23, 2015

365 Project, Week 2

I'm a week behind in posting, yeah, yeah. But I am still shooting everyday. Sometimes it's right at bedtime because I forgot all day, but I'm trying. I really really do not like posting photos that are not my best work, but some days are just a big miss. I'll post them anyway.

I'd love to know which ones are your favorites, and why. Leave me a comment at the bottom! Without further ado:

Day 8, Transformers fun.

Day 9, Giggles with Daddy at bedtime.

Day 10, The coolest kid at Busch Gardens.

Day 10, That's a lot of popcorn.

Day 10, Tiger watching.

Day 11, Snoozing.

Day 12, Entranced with Mommy's phone.

Day 13, To play or not to play.

Day 14, Crayon madness.

Day 14, I'll color Iron Man anything I want.

Day 14, All the colors.

Day 15, Bulkhead and Prime. (Yes, I know that's not really Bulkhead, but that's what he calls him. And he knows almost all the Transformers, btw.)

Day 16, Deep thoughts in Starbucks.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Gender Bender Hipster Ariel Baby Cosplay

My son loves Ariel, from Disney's "The Little Mermaid." He calls her "mermaid." He requests that I sing "mermaid" (the part of your world number Ariel sings). And most redhead cartoon girls are called, mermaid. Loves her, he does. And we are a cosplaying family, as you can recall here, here, and here. I was inspired by his mermaid love, and some cute bow ties made by Sophie's Splendid Shop, and voila, the gender bender hipster Ariel Baby Cosplay idea was born.

Let's break that down... Ariel, as well as the other Disney princesses, are cosplayed often. Hipster Ariel sprung from a collection of funny memes that use a screen shot of a scrunchy Ariel face with some black rimmed glasses overlayed:

So the hipster Ariel cosplay was right behind the meme, and it's great:

But I have a little boy, not a girl. No worries, you see gender bender all the time in cosplay: 

So first, I created a Polyvore board with my costume ideas...

Gender Bender Hipster Ariel

And without further ado, my results!

Of course, I had to do my own meme...he even got the annoyed lip snarl right! I had so much fun with this whole project, and I hope you enjoy it too!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

365 Project

One of my New Year's goal is to complete a 365 photography project. I have to use my real camera, nothing from my phone. I'm trying a "lifestyle" approach. I've found that I'm pretty controlling with my shoots, even with my son, and I'm missing out on life's little moments. I'm also trying to be more creative with my compositions and point of view...most of my photos are taken at eye-level. I've been in such a rut, I needed something to force inspire me to shoot more. So I'm shooting everyday, my son as my muse. I shoot around 30-50 shots, and choose my favorite one or two to edit. I'm going to TRY to post weekly. So keep posted!

Day 1, Still in his pjs.

Day 2, Lording over the gate at the park.

Day 3, Toys at home.

Day 4, The hide game with Daddy.

Day 5, Delicious cake pop at Starbucks. 

Day 6, Amazing peepers. 

Day 7, Running to Mommy.